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Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535338


In recent years, there have been international references to the vocal approach for the specific group of transgender individuals, although the Latin American literature is still very timid on this matter. The purpose of this article is to identify the current norms, statistics, and vocal approach towards transgender individuals in Chile and Argentina, considering the experience of two speech and language pathologists with more than twenty years of experience on voice therapy. Reflections were made on the transgender reality in these countries, the limitations in the implementation of the depathologization of the transgender group were outlined, some current and unreliable statistics were presented, some innovative actions in the public system were highlighted, and the lack of knowledge about the benefits of vocal work for transgender men and women was discussed. The identified aspects could benefit from multicenter research that strengthens speech therapy actions with this group, contributing to depathologization and positive approach.

Desde los últimos años es posible encontrar referencias internacionales sobre el abordaje vocal al grupo específico de las personas transgénero, aunque la literatura latinoamericana sigue muy tímida en este asunto. La propuesta de este artículo es identificar las normas vigentes, estadísticas y abordaje vocal hacia las personas transgénero en Chile y Argentina, considerando la experiencia de dos fonoaudiólogas con más de veinte años de experiencia en terapia vocal. Se hicieron reflexiones sobre la realidad transgénero en los países citados, se delinearon las limitaciones en la puesta en práctica de la despatologización del grupo transgénero, se expusieron algunas estadísticas -vigentes y poco confiables-, se plasmaron algunas acciones novedosas en el sistema público y el desconocimiento sobre los beneficios del trabajo vocal en hombres y mujeres transgénero. Los aspectos detectados podrían beneficiarse de investigaciones multicéntricas que fortalezcan acciones fonoaudiológicas con este grupo, contribuyendo a la despatologización y el abordaje positivo.

Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 2024 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38615908


BACKGROUND: The methodology used for recording, evaluating and reporting postoperative complications (PC) is unknown. The aim of the present study was to determine how PC are recorded, evaluated, and reported in General and Digestive Surgery Services (GDSS) in Spain, and to assess their stance on morbidity audits. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional study design, an anonymous survey of 50 questions was sent to all the heads of GDSS at hospitals in Spain. RESULTS: The survey was answered by 67 out of 222 services (30.2%). These services have a reference population (RP) of 15 715 174 inhabitants, representing 33% of the Spanish population. Only 15 services reported being requested to supply data on morbidity by their hospital administrators. Eighteen GDSS, with a RP of 3 241 000 (20.6%) did not record PC. Among these, 7 were accredited for some area of training. Thirty-six GDSS (RP 8 753 174 (55.7%) did not provide details on all PC in patients' discharge reports. Twenty-four (37%) of the 65 GDSS that had started using a new surgical procedure/technique had not recorded PC in any way. Sixty-five GDSS were not concerned by the prospect of their results being audited, and 65 thought that a more comprehensive knowledge of PC would help them improve their results. Out of the 37 GDSS that reported publishing their results, 27 had consulted only one source of information: medical progress records in 11 cases, and discharge reports in 9. CONCLUSIONS: This study reflects serious deficiencies in the recording, evaluation and reporting of PC by GDSS in Spain.

Gac Sanit ; 38: 102388, 2024 Apr 11.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608386


OBJECTIVE: To determine the health status of the homeless population who spend the night on the streets and in shelters (extreme residential exclusion), with reference to their quality of life, self-perceived health, comorbidity and access to health resources. METHOD: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a sample of 263 homeless people in the city of Valencia by means of a nocturnal count and using the EQ-5D-3L Health Related Quality of Life questionnaire and questions from the European Quality of Life Survey for Spain. RESULTS: Of the people who participated in the study, 129 of them slept outdoors, 49% (62.79% men, 19.37% women and 17.84% unidentified), while 134 slept in hostels, i.e. 51% (67.16% men and 32.84% women) with an estimated average age of 41.53 years and 55% had been living on the street for less than 12 months. People staying overnight on the streets presented worse quality of life and more than a quarter of the sample lacked a health card. CONCLUSIONS: There is a relationship between homelessness and poor health conditions in terms of quality of life, perceived health, comorbidity and accessibility to health to resources. The inverse care law is evidenced.

Preprint en Español | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-6764


Introduction: Extreme maternal morbidity (EMM) is an event of interest in public health that has an important impact when evaluating health services, since timely and quality care in a woman with a severe obstetric complication can prevent a fatal outcome. In an EAPB in the city of Cali during the 2019-2020 period, a need was evidenced to determine the behavior of the factors mostly associated with extreme maternal morbidity, this being a relevant study to support decision-making. Methodology: it is a type of observational analytical retrospective cohort study, we worked with a census of pregnant women registered in the insurer's nominal follow-up matrix, which is fed from various sources such as the single database of affiliates, SIVIGILA, RIPS among others, a characterization of the sociodemographic, clinical and health care factors was carried out by means of absolute and relative frequencies, later they were crossed in contingency tables to determine association by means of the chi square test and a regression model was carried out. binomial log to establish the factors that best explain EMM. Results: most of the pregnant women were between 18 and 35 years old, from the subsidized regime, from the urban area, with informal work, educational level of basic secondary, with a stable partner (married or in a free union), non-ethnic, (No perceived as indigenous, ROM or Afro-Colombian, were in their second or third pregnancy period, covered by IVE counseling and the psychoprophylactic course and began their prenatal care in the first trimester, and an incidence of 3,2% of EMM was estimated. Conclusions: the risk of EMM was higher in pregnant women without IVE advice, psychoprophylactic course, ultrasound, nutrition consultation, gynecology, iron sulfate, calcium or folic acid; also in adolescents, in those over 36 years of age, from rural areas, without a stable partner, ethnic, vulnerable population, primiparous, with a history of abortion, with weight/height alterations, with high obstetric risk, with Dx of HIV or gestational syphilis and with late start of prenatal care.

Introducción: La morbilidad materna extrema es un evento de interés en salud pública que tiene un impacto importante al evaluar los servicios de salud ya que una atención oportuna y de calidad en una mujer con una complicación obstétrica severa puede prevenir un desenlace fatal. En una EAPB en la ciudad de Cali durante el periodo 2019-2020 se evidencio una necesidad referente a determinar cuál es el comportamiento de los factores mayormente asociados a la morbilidad materna extrema, siendo este un estudio relevante para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Metodología: es un tipo de estudio observacional analítico de cohorte retrospectiva, se trabajó con un censo de las gestantes registradas en la matriz de seguimiento nominal de la aseguradora, que se alimenta de diversas fuentes como la base de datos única de afiliados, SIVIGILA, RIPS entre otras, se realizó una caracterización de los factores sociodemográficos, clínicos y de atención en salud  por medio de frecuencias absolutas y relativas, posteriormente se cruzaron en tablas de contingencias para determinar asociación por medio de la prueba chi cuadrado y se realizó un modelo de regresión log binomial para establecer los factores que mejor explican la Morbilidad Materna Extrema (MME). Resultados: en su mayoría las gestantes tenían entre 18 y 35 años, del régimen subsidiado, de la zona urbana, con trabajo informal, nivel educativo de básica secundaria, con pareja estable (casadas o en unión libre), no étnica, (No se perciben como indígena, ROM o afrocolombiana, cursaban su segundo o tercer periodo de gestación, con cobertura de asesoría de IVE y del curso psicoprofiláctico y iniciaron su control prenatal en el primer trimestre y se estimó una incidencia de 3,2% de MME. Conclusiones:  el riesgo de MME fue superior gestantes sin asesoría de IVE, curso psicoprofiláctico, ecografía, consulta de nutrición, ginecología, sulfato ferros, calcio o ácido fólico; además en adolescentes, en mayores de 36 años, de la zona rural, sin pareja estable, con pertenencia étnica, de población vulnerable, primigestantes, con antecedente de aborto, con alteraciones peso/talla, con alto riesgo obstétrico, con Dx de VIH o sífilis gestacional y con inicio tardío del control prenatal.

Enferm. glob ; 23(74): 1-13, abr.2024. graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232275


Objetivo: Examinar la actividad investigadora de los enfermeros en atención primaria de salud y conocer su divulgación. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal descriptivo realizado entre el 27 mayo hasta el 29 de junio de 2022, en un Área de Gestión Sanitaria a través de un cuestionario electrónico autoadministrado. Contestaron el cuestionario 242 enfermeros. Un 5.2% posee el grado de Máster y ninguno el de Doctor. Un 8.3% ha colaborado en algún proyecto de investigación financiado, siendo la suscripción a grupos del Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI) de un 0,4%. La participación es principalmente colaborativa con sólo 1 caso como IP en proyectos financiados. La aportación a congresos u otras actividades de divulgación es de un 23% para comunicaciones orales y de un 26,1 % para comunicaciones escritas. Resultados: Sobre la publicación de resultados, un 16,5%, han publicado al menos 1 artículo científico, siendo un 1,3% en revistas de impacto (ninguna en Q1 y Q2). La temática de las publicaciones es muy diversa. La colaboración en investigaciones realizadas con otras disciplinas ha sido de un 10,4 % y en estudios de investigación realizados con otras instituciones o servicios de salud de un 11,3%. Conclusión: Se concluye que la actividad investigadora realizada en atención primaria es de bajo nivel y calidad. Existe dispersión tanto en la temática como en los perfiles enfermeros que desarrollan actividad investigadora, lo que implica inexistencia de una red consolidada en investigación en cuidados que sustente la práctica asistencial basada en la evidencia científica. (AU)

Aim: The aim of this study is to examinate the research activity of nurses in primary health care and to know his dissemination. Method: It is a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out between May 27 and June 29, 2022, in a Health Management Area Through a self-administrated questionnaire. A total of 242 nurses answered the questionnaire. A total of 5,2% have a Master ́s degree and none have a PhD. Some 8,3% have collaborated in a funded research project, with 0,4% subscribing to PAIDI groups. Participation is mostly collaborative with only 1 case as PI in funded projects. Contribution to congresses or other dissemination activities is 18.7% for oral communications and 16,5% for written communications. Results: Regarding the publication of results, 16,5% have published at least 1 scientific article, 1,3% in impact journals (none in Q1 or Q2). The subject matter of the publications is very diverse. Collaboration in research with other disciplines was 10,4%, and in research studies carried out with other institutions or health services are 11,3%. Conclusion: It is concluded that the research activity carried out in primary care is of low level and quality. There is dispersion both in the subject matter and in the nursing profiles that carry out research activity, which implies the lack of a consolidated network in research in care that supports care practice based on scientific evidence. (AU)

Humanos , Investigación en Enfermería , Enfermería de Atención Primaria , Investigación sobre Servicios de Salud , Enfermeros , Administración Sanitaria , Estudios Transversales , Epidemiología Descriptiva
Fisioterapia (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 46(2): 68-75, mar.-abr2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231437


Objetivos: Explorar las actitudes de los fisioterapeutas de Puerto Rico: 1) hacia el acceso directo (AD), 2) las implicaciones para la profesión, la práctica y los servicios de salud, y 3) la implementación del AD a través de un cambio en política pública. Métodos: El diseño fue exploratorio transversal, no experimental y con un enfoque cuantitativo. Los participantes eran fisioterapeutas con licencia vigente, mayores de 21 años de edad, con cualquier grado académico en fisioterapia y que actualmente ejercen la práctica en Puerto Rico. Fueron excluidos fisioterapeutas sin experiencia clínica, que estaban completando un grado doctoral transicional o con experiencia ejerciendo con AD. Para abordar los objetivos de investigación, se construyó un cuestionario, cuyo contenido fue validado por 4 fisioterapeutas expertos utilizando el modelo de Lawshe modificado por Tristán. Resultados: Participaron de este estudio 100 fisioterapeutas. El 96% de los participantes estuvo de acuerdo con la implementación del AD en Puerto Rico. El 83% indicó estar preparado para ejercer la profesión por AD. El 55% entienden que fisioterapeutas con grado doctoral están más preparados para ejercer por AD. El 59% indicó que el AD debe estar restringido por nivel educativo y/o experiencia. Conclusión: La actitud de los fisioterapeutas en Puerto Rico respecto al AD resultó ser favorable, independientemente del grado académico, ya que están a favor con incorporar el AD a la fisioterapia, se sienten preparados para ejercer por AD y consideran el AD beneficioso para los pacientes, la práctica y la profesión. (AU)

Objectives: To explore the attitudes of physiotherapists in Puerto Rico: (1) towards direct access (DA), (2) the implications for the profession, practice, and health services, and (3) the implementation of DA through a change in public policy. Methods: The design was cross-sectional exploratory, non-experimental, and quantitative in nature. Participants were licensed physiotherapists, over 21 years old, with any academic degree in physiotherapy, currently practicing in Puerto Rico. Physiotherapists without clinical experience, those completing a transitional doctoral degree, or with experience practicing with DA were excluded. To address the research objectives, a questionnaire was constructed, whose content was validated by 4 expert physiotherapists using the Lawshe model modified by Tristán. Results: One hundred physiotherapists participated in this study. 96% of participants agreed with the implementation of DA in Puerto Rico. However, only 83% indicated being prepared to practice the profession through DA. 55% understood that physiotherapists with doctoral degrees were better prepared to practice through DA. 59% indicated that DA should be restricted based on educational level and/or experience. Conclusion: The attitude of physiotherapists in Puerto Rico towards DA was favorable regardless of academic degree. They are in favor of incorporating DA into physiotherapy, feel prepared to practice through DA, and consider it beneficial for patients, practice, and the profession. (AU)

Humanos , Fisioterapeutas , Actitud/etnología , Política Pública , Derivación y Consulta , Autonomía Profesional , Servicios de Salud , Puerto Rico , Estudios Transversales
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550535


Introducción: Paraguay asumió el reto de lograr cobertura universal mediante redes basadas en Atención Primaria de la Salud con Unidades de Salud de la Familia (USF) en el primer nivel de atención. Un desafío es la atención integral ante enfermedades no transmisibles, principal causa de mortalidad en el país. Objetivo: analizar la capacidad de las USF para la atención de personas con hipertensión arterial y diabetes en el sistema nacional de salud. El diseño fue no experimental, cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo con componente analítico. Metodología: Incluyó a 761 USF de 12 regiones sanitarias agrupados en 4 ejes territoriales. Se adaptó el método de evaluación SARA de la OMS con 75 variables, aplicando un cuestionario a profesionales de salud entre noviembre y diciembre de 2022. Se calculó índices de disponibilidad y preparación así como un índice que los integra. La medida continua de estos índices se categorizó en 3 grupos: suficiente >0,75 a 1; intermedio 0,5 a 0,75 y bajo <0,5. Resultados: Solo en el 38 % de las USF el índice de disponibilidad fue suficiente, en el 31,5 % para el índice de preparación y en el 31,1 % para el índice integrador SARA DM/HTA. El desempeño se asoció de forma significativa con el eje territorial no así con el área ni con la cobertura a población indígena Discusión: las USF presentaron limitaciones para la atención de personas con diabetes e hipertensión en estas regiones del país.

Introduction: Paraguay assumed the challenge of achieving universal coverage through networks based on Primary Health Care with Family Health Units (USF) at the first level of care. One challenge is comprehensive care for non-communicable diseases, the main cause of mortality in the country. Objective: to analyze the capacity of the USF to care for people with high blood pressure and diabetes in the national health system. The design was non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive with an analytical component. Methods: It included 761 USF from 12 health regions grouped into 4 territorial axes. The WHO SARA evaluation method was adapted with 75 variables, applying a questionnaire to health professionals between November and December 2022. Availability and preparation indices were calculated as well as an index that integrates them. The continuous measurement of these indices was categorized into 3 groups: sufficient >0.75 to 1; intermediate 0.5 to 0.75 and low <0.5. Results: Only in 38.0% of the USF the availability index was sufficient, in 31.5% for the readiness index and in 31.1% for the SARA DM/HTA integrating index. The performance was significantly associated with the territorial axis, but not with the area or with the coverage of the indigenous population. Discussion: the USF presented limitations for the care of people with diabetes and hypertension in these regions of the country.

Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 59(3): 101484, 2024 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38552406


BACKGROUND: There is an increasing need for end-of-life care due to society's progressive aging. This study aimed to describe how hospitalizations evolve long-term and in the last months life of a cohort of deceased patients. METHODS: The study population were those who died in one year who lived in a district in southern Spain. The number of hospital stays over the previous 20 years and number of contacts with the emergency department, hospitalization, outpatient clinics, and medical day hospital in the last three months of life were determined. The analyses were stratified by age, sex, and pattern of functional decline. RESULTS: The study population included 1773 patients (82.5% of all who died in the district). The hospital stays during the last 20 years of life were concentrated in the last five years (66%) and specially in the last six months (32%). Eighty percent had contact with the hospital during their last three months of life. The older group had the minimun of stays over the last 20 years and contacts with the hospital in the last months of life. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of hospitalizations occur at the end of life and these admissions represent a significant part of an acute-care hospital's activity. The progressive prolongation of life does not have to go necessarily along with a proportional increase in hospital stays.

Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202403020, Mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231920


Fundamentos: las políticas y programas de atención en salud a las personas que viven con vih han obedecido a las políticas económicas vigentes, basadas en el modelo de desarrollo neoliberal y que configuran el actual sistema de salud. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la influencia del sistema de salud colombiano en la atención de las personas que vivían con vih afiliadas a las entidades administradoras de planes de beneficio del régimen subsidiado, atendidos en neiva (colombia). Métodos: se realizó un estudio cualitativo, enmarcado en el análisis crítico del discurso. Participaron diecinueve personas entre pacientes con vih, cuidadores no formales y personal de salud, captados de dos instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud de la ciudad de neiva, a quienes se les aplicó entrevistas en profundidad. Los datos fueron codificados, categorizados y organizados en excel para su análisis.resultados: la relación interpersonal y el funcionamiento del sistema de salud fueron dos fenómenos que interfirieron en la atención de las personas con vih, en cuanto a que favoreció o impuso barreras a las prácticas. Se encontraron fallos en el proceso informativo/educativo desde el momento del diagnóstico, estigma y discriminación, profundizado en las instituciones de salud no especializadas en vih, así como múltiples barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud. El 55,5% de los pacientes expresó haber sido discriminados por el personal de salud en algún momento desde su diagnóstico. El 100% de pacientes entrevistados identificó barre-ras de diferente tipo para los servicios de salud, contextualizados en trato indebido, inoportunidad en la atención y abuso del poder; solo el 22,2% recurrió a la interposición de quejas, derechos de petición o tutelas para reclamar su derecho a la salud.conclusiones: la praxis de atención se realiza al margen de la situación de contexto de los pacientes, olvidando que son precisamente los ubicados en un nivel socioeconómico más bajo, quienes tienen mayor vulnerabilidad estructural relacionada con la pobreza, por lo que la falta de atención de salud exacerba las inequidades sanitarias.(AU)

Background: health policies and programs for people living with hiv have been subordinated to current economic policies based on the neoliberal development model that shapes the current healthcare system. The study’s objective was to analyze the influence of the colombian health system on the care of people who lived with hiv enrolled in the subsidized regime through benefit plan administrating entities and treated in neiva (colombia).methods: a qualitative study framed within the framework of the critical discourse analysis was conducted. Nineteen people parti-cipated, including hiv patients, non-formal caregivers, and health workers. The participants were recruited from two health service provi-ders institutions in the city of neiva. In-depth interviews were conducted. Data were coded, categorized and organized in excel for analysis.results: the interpersonal relationship and the health system functioning were two phenomena that interfered with caring for people with hiv by favoring or imposing barriers to practices. Failures were found in the informative-educational process from the moment of diagnosis, stigmatization, and discrimination, particularly in non-hiv-specialized health institutions, and multiple barriers to access to health services. 55.5% of the patients expressed having been discriminated against by health personnel at some point since their diagnosis. 100% of the patients interviewed identified different types of barriers to health services, contextualized in im-proper treatment, untimely care and abuse of power; only 22.2% resorted to the filing of complaints, petition rights or guardianships to claim their right to health.conclusions: health care praxis is carried out regardless of patients’ situation, forgetting that those from a lower socioecono-mic level have greater structural vulnerability related to poverty. The lack of healthcare exacerbates health inequalities.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Cumplimiento y Adherencia al Tratamiento , Infecciones Oportunistas Relacionadas con el SIDA , VIH , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Barreras de Acceso a los Servicios de Salud , Relaciones Médico-Paciente , Disparidades en el Estado de Salud , Salud Pública , Sistemas de Salud , Investigación Cualitativa , Colombia
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15(supl.1): 1-8, mar. 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1532930


Objetivo: analisar as características das equipes e as práticas associadas ao acompanhamento e coordenação do cuidado no Pará e compreender como ocorre essa prática executada pelo enfermeiro como membro da equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: estudo de métodos mistos. Os participantes foram enfermeiros da atenção básica do Pará. A coleta ocorreu entre novembro de 2019 a agosto de 2021, através de um formulário eletrônico e entrevista. A análise integrativa dos dados foi feita pela conexão dos métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. Resultados: A proporção de enfermeiros que acompanha e coordena os usuários que estão em uso de outros serviços foi de 50% (90/180). Houve associação significativa (p <0,05) entre o acompanhamento e coordenação do cuidado e o tipo de equipe, carga horária de trabalho, regulação das demandas locais na perspectiva da rede, articulação com profissionais de saúde de outros níveis de atenção, trabalhos com profissionais de outras formações e a condução da clínica ampliada/ matriciamento. As categorias temáticas "relação da Atenção Primária à Saúde com a rede de atenção" e "práticas de coordenação e continuidade do cuidado horizontal e vertical" apresentaram convergência com os dados quantitativos e a categoria temática "Práticas de coordenação do cuidado sob a forma do trabalho em equipe" converge com os dados quantitativos, mas divergem no apoio matricial. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros realizam o acompanhamento e coordenação do cuidado, porém enfrentam dificuldades que resultam em sobrecarga e realização de atribuições que não são da categoria profissional. (AU)

Objective: to analyze the characteristics of the teams and the practices associated with the monitoring and coordination of care in Pará and to understand how this practice is carried out by the nurse as a member of the team in Primary Health Care. Methods: study of mixed methods. The participants were primary care nurses in Pará. The collection took place between November 2019 and August 2021, through an electronic form and interview. The integrative data analysis was performed by connecting qualitative and quantitative methods. Results: The proportion of nurses who monitor and coordinate users who are using other services was 50% (90/180). There was a significant association (p <0.05) between monitoring and coordination of care and the type of team, workload, regulation of local demands from the perspective of the network, articulation with health professionals from other levels of care, work with professionals from other backgrounds and conducting the expanded clinic/matrix support. The thematic categories "relationship between Primary Health Care and the care network" and "practices of coordination and continuity of horizontal and vertical care" showed convergence with the quantitative data and the thematic category "Practices of coordination of care in the form of work in a team" converges with the quantitative data, but differs in matrix support. Conclusion: Nurses carry out monitoring and coordination of care, but they face difficulties that result in overload and carrying out tasks that are not of the professional category. (AU)

Objetivo: analizar las características de los equipos y las prácticas asociadas al seguimiento y coordinación del cuidado en Pará y comprender cómo esa práctica es realizada por el enfermero como miembro del equipo en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Métodos: estudio de métodos mixtos. Los participantes eran enfermeros de atención primaria de Pará. La recolección se realizó entre noviembre de 2019 y agosto de 2021, a través de formulario electrónico y entrevista. El análisis integrador de datos se realizó conectando métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Resultados: La proporción de enfermeros que acompañan y coordinan usuarios que utilizan otros servicios fue del 50% (90/180). Hubo asociación significativa (p<0,05) entre el seguimiento y coordinación de la atención y el tipo de equipo, carga de trabajo, regulación de las demandas locales desde la perspectiva de la red, articulación con profesionales de salud de otros niveles de atención, trabajo con profesionales de otros antecedentes y dirigiendo el apoyo clínico/matriz ampliado. Las categorías temáticas "relación entre la Atención Primaria de Salud y la red de atención" y "prácticas de coordinación y continuidad del cuidado horizontal y vertical" mostraron convergencia con los datos cuantitativos y la categoría temática "Prácticas de coordinación del cuidado en la forma de trabajo en un team" converge con los datos cuantitativos, pero difiere en el soporte de la matriz. Conclusión: Los enfermeros realizan seguimiento y coordinación de los cuidados, pero enfrentan dificultades que resultan en sobrecarga y realización de tareas que no son de categoría profesional. (AU)

Atención Primaria de Salud , Enfermería Primaria , Enfermería , Integralidad en Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud
Comunidad (Barc., Internet) ; 25(3): 80-87, Nov.2023 - Feb.2024. mapas, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-228766


Introducción. La salud comunitaria basada en activos es un modelo donde se promociona la salud con políticas y entornos que favorecen que las personas puedan tomar decisiones sobre su salud. El mapeo de activos es el mejor método para conocer los activos. En Aragón existe la estrategia comunitaria que favorece la implantación y el conocimiento de estos conceptos poco conocidos por la población y por los profesionales sanitarios. Objetivos. El objetivo principal fue la búsqueda e identificación de los activos de salud disponibles tras el proceso de mapeo por parte de la ciudadanía de 5 distritos urbanos de Zaragoza durante 1 año. Desarrollar un blog donde profesionales de la educación y de la sanidad, y la ciudadanía puedan acceder al mapa de activos. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo sobre la identificación y recogida de activos identificados por la población pertenecientes a un centro de salud. Las técnicas participativas utilizadas en el grupo de activos fueron mapas mudos y registro mediante fichas. Resultados. Se identificaron 57 activos, fundamentalmente el 28% relacionados con la actividad física. Las actividades de cultura y ocio, y las relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas fueron las siguientes más frecuentes. No se encontró ningún recurso para la deshabituación de tóxicos. El 47% de los activos se encontraban en uno de los 5 distritos adscritos. Conclusiones. Realizar un mapa de activos es fundamental para la prevención y la promoción de la salud. La colaboración ciudadana resulta clave para hacer este proceso con éxito, ofreciéndonos a las/los profesionales de la sanidad una información valiosa para fomentar y llevar a cabo una verdadera atención comunitaria. (AU)

Introduction. Asset-based community health is a model where health is promoted with policies and settings that encourage people to make health-related decisions. Health assets is the best method to get to know the assets. In Aragon there is a community strategy that promotes the implementation and knowledge of these concepts unknown both by the population and health professionals. Aims. The main aim of the study was to search and identify health assets available after the mapping process by the citizens of five Zaragoza urban districts over one year. Moreover, to start a blog where educators, health workers and citizens can access the assets map. Methods. Descriptive study on the identification and collection of assets identified by the population belonging to an urban health centre in Zaragoza. The participatory techniques used in the assets group were blank maps and recording by means of cards. Results. A total of 57 assets were identified, most of which related to physical activity (28%). This was followed by cultural, leisure activities and chronic diseases. No resource was detected for the cessation of toxic substances; 47% of assets were located in one of the five affiliated districts. Conclusions. Drawing up an assets map is essential for correct prevention and health promotion. Neighbourhood citizen collaboration is key to performing this process successfully. This also offers health professionals valuable information to promote and carry out actual community care. (AU)

Humanos , Promoción de la Salud , Salud Pública , Redes Comunitarias , Epidemiología Descriptiva
Aten Primaria ; 56(6): 102875, 2024 Feb 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38350365


OBJECTIVE: Sex workers can be disadvantaged in terms of overall health due to challenging living and working conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the health status and experiences related to sexually transmitted infections (STDs) of unregistered transgender sex workers in Turkey. DESIGN: It employed a phenomenological qualitative research design. SITE: Data were collected in Istanbul between March 2021 and November 2021. PARTICIPANTS: Data were collected through in-depth interviews involving 24 people (19 sex workers and 5 physicians). METHODS: Key statements were listed during data analysis, and clusters of meanings were formed based on these statements. The participants' statements were used for contextual and structural descriptions. RESULTS: Sex workers suffer from chronic illnesses such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, allergic diseases, and neurological disorders. Among the health issues affecting them, the most notable ones are STDs, psychological problems, and the risk of suicide. Sex workers also face a dilemma between choosing public hospitals and private hospitals. Majority of sex workers undergo regular testing for STDs, with the frequency varying from person to person. Reasons for not undergoing regular testing include lack of social security coverage, financial constraints, lack of information, and feeling undervalued. Some individuals are being subjected to mandatory testing. CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that sex workers who seek and request healthcare services should be provided with detailed information and education, particularly regarding psychological problems and STDs.

J Healthc Qual Res ; 39(2): 126-134, 2024.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38302372


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: People with disabilities are one of the groups that usually frequent healthcare centers, so it is essential to attend to their specific needs, especially from the point of view of universal accessibility, safety and healthcare quality. The aim of the study is to summarize the available evidence on the needs of groups of patients with some type of disability in access, navigation and stay during the reception of healthcare in various health centers and to identify successful solutions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A scoping review had been designed, based on a literature review without time limit in three databases (PubMed, WOS, and Embase). RESULTS: Of the 2562 articles identified, 11 were included. Recommendations for improvement in the design of healthcare services focused on the following aspects: improving access to primary care centers; navigation, signage, and orientation in the hospital environment; elevator design; hospital room bathroom design; meeting the needs of wheelchair users; importance of the participation of the patient with a disability; involvement of stakeholders in the design process; and the need for appropriate policies to ensure accessibility to buildings. CONCLUSIONS: The promotion of artistic programs in healthcare settings and the participation of people with disabilities in the design process of healthcare settings could provide beneficial solutions. More studies are needed, given the scarcity of evidence found, to ensure that care for this group is based on criteria of patient safety, universal accessibility, healthcare quality and humanization.

Personas con Discapacidad , Humanos , Instituciones de Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Hospitales , Calidad de la Atención de Salud
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2296188, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38227366


Background: Prior studies comparing the mental healthcare utilisation (MHU) of Danish formerly deployed military personnel (FDP) with the general population have not included data on psychotherapy through the Defence or talking therapy with the general practitioner. This study included these and several other data sources in a comprehensive comparison of MHU between Danish FDP and civilians.Methods: First-time deployed military personnel (N = 10,971) who had returned from a mission to Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq or Lebanon between January 2005 and July 2017 were included. A sex and birth-year-matched civilian reference group was randomly drawn from the entire Danish non-deployed population (N = 253,714). Furthermore, a sub-cohort, including male FDP and civilians deemed eligible for military service, was defined. These cohorts were followed up in military medical records and registers covering the primary and secondary civilian health sectors from 2005 to 2018, and the rates of MHU were compared.Results: Approximately half of the initial help-seeking for FDP took place through the Defence (49.4%), and the remainder through the civilian healthcare system. When help-seeking through the Defence was not included, MHU was significantly lower among FDP in the main cohort during the first two years (IRR = 0.84, 95% CI: [0.77, 0.92]) compared to civilians. When help-seeking through the Defence was included, MHU was significantly higher among FDP compared to civilians both in the first two years of follow-up (IRR = 2.01, 95% CI: [1.89, 2.13]) and thereafter (IRR = 1.18, 95% CI: [1.13, 1.23]). In the sub-cohort, these differences were even more pronounced both in the first two years of follow-up and thereafter.Conclusions: MHU was higher among Danish FDP compared to civilians only when data from the Defence was included. The inclusion of data on both civilian and military healthcare services is necessary to evaluate the full impact of deployment on MHU among Danish FDP.

This study compared mental healthcare utilisation among Danish deployed military personnel and civilians.Most personnel sought help first through the Defence.When all data sources were included, mental healthcare utilisation was significantly higher among military personnel.

Personal Militar , Humanos , Masculino , Estudios de Cohortes , Afganistán , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud , Dinamarca/epidemiología
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38218704


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted healthcare services usage. We estimated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare services utilization among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Catalonia, Spain. METHODS: We accessed public healthcare usage in HIV units, primary care, hospitals, and emergency departments among 17,738 PLWH in the PISCIS cohort from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2020. We performed an interrupted time series analysis using the autoregressive integrated moving average to estimate the effect of COVID-19 on medical visits and HIV monitoring among PLWH. RESULTS: A non-significant decrease of 17.1% (95% CI: [-29.4, 0.4]) in overall medical visits was observed during the lockdown, followed by a steady resumption until the end of 2020. Three health facilities presented statistically significant declines in visits during the lockdown: HIV units (-44.8% [-56.7, -23.6]), hospitals (-40.4% [-52.8, -18.1]), and emergency departments (-36.9% [-47.0, -21.9]); thereafter, the visits have begun to increase steadily but not to previous levels as of December 2020. In contrast, primary care visits remained unchanged during the lockdown by 1.9% (95% CI: -13.5, 23.9). CD4 cell (54.2% [95% CI: -64.4, -36.0]) and HIV RNA viral load (53.1% [95% CI: -62.9, -36.1]) laboratory monitoring reduced significantly during the lockdown. CONCLUSION: COVID-19 lockdowns significantly disrupted in-person healthcare services usage among PLWH. The reduction in healthcare utilization however did not affect primary care services. Despite services gradually rebounding to pre-pandemic levels, it is imperative to effectively prepare for future pandemics and implement measures to ensure continuous provision of care to PLWH during pandemic lockdowns.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(1): 81-94, Ene - Abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537184


Introducción: el acceso a los servicios de salud en Paraguay, está determinado por varios tipos de barreras. Por ello, es preciso describir el impacto que tienen las políticas públicas y sus implicancias en la mitigación de las mismas. Objetivo: describir el acompañamiento diferenciado y su contribución al apoyo socio emocional, adhesión al tratamiento y acceso a servicios de salud en el área de atención a personas varones que viven con el VIH. Metodología: estudio de carácter cualitativo, descriptivo, con entrevistas semi estructuradas y muestra no probabilística, dirigida e intencional; Resultados: este estudio cualitativo exploró las experiencias de personas viviendo con VIH que recibieron acompañamiento psicosocial diferenciado en un servicio de atención integral. Los participantes destacaron la importancia del acompañamiento para afrontar la crisis posterior al diagnóstico. La orientación presencial, escucha empática y seguimiento facilitaron la vinculación y adherencia al servicio de salud y al tratamiento antirretroviral. El apoyo psicosocial fue clave para desmitificar ideas erróneas sobre el VIH/SIDA, empoderarse sobre su estado serológico y mejorar la calidad de vida. Se enfatizó el rol de los grupos de pares para brindar contención. Algunos participantes reportaron experiencias previas de revelación no consentida y vulneración de confidencialidad. El acompañamiento psicosocial diferenciado resultó fundamental para facilitar la inserción y permanencia de las personas con VIH en los servicios de atención integral (adhesión al tratamiento). Conclusiones: el acompañamiento psicosocial diferenciado resultó clave para facilitar la vinculación y adherencia en personas con VIH. La atención integral requiere identificar situaciones particulares, establecer relaciones de confianza y comunicación efectiva. El apoyo inicial es fundamental brindando contención ante el impacto emocional del diagnóstico. El seguimiento continuo es esencial dada la doble discriminación. La confidencialidad y capacidad de generar vínculos empáticos son elementos centrales. Los factores mencionados favorecen la adhesión al tratamiento. Los resultados sugieren que estas prácticas psicosociales pueden optimizar modelos de atención integral a personas con VIH.

Introduction: access to healthcare services in Paraguay is influenced by various barriers. Thus, it is essential to describe the impact of public policies and their implications in mitigating these barriers. Objective: to describe the differentiated support and its contribution to socio-emotional support, therapeutic adherence, and access to healthcare services in the area of care for males living with HIV. Methodology: a qualitative, descriptive study with semi-structured interviews and a non-probabilistic, directed, and intentional sample. Results: this qualitative study explored the experiences of individuals living with HIV who received differentiated psychosocial support in an integrated care service. Participants emphasized the importance of support in coping with the post-diagnosis crisis. In-person guidance, empathetic listening, and follow-up facilitated engagement and adherence to healthcare services and antiretroviral treatment. Psychosocial support played a critical role in debunking misconceptions about HIV/AIDS, empowering individuals regarding their serostatus, and improving their quality of life. The role of peer groups in providing emotional support was emphasized. Some participants reported previous experiences of non-consensual disclosure and confidentiality breaches. Differentiated psychosocial support was essential in promoting the integration and retention of people with HIV in integrated care services (therapeutic adherence). Conclusions: differentiated psychosocial support was crucial in facilitating the engagement and adherence of individuals with HIV. Comprehensive care necessitates identifying specific situations, establishing trust-based relationships, and effective communication. Initial support is vital for providing emotional support in the face of the diagnostic impact. Ongoing follow-up is essential due to the dual discrimination faced. Confidentiality and the ability to build empathetic relationships are central elements. The aforementioned factors favor adherence to treatment. The results suggest that these psychosocial practices can enhance models of comprehensive care for people with HIV.

Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 50-58, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Artículo en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526706


Introducción. Los Servicios de Salud Amigables son espacios de atención integral y diferencial para personas adolescentes y jóvenes, que parten de sus necesidades biológicas, sociales y afectivas. Objetivo. Evaluar las percepciones de las juventudes sobre la calidad de atención que recibieron y su experiencia en las Unidades de Salud. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio mixto que recogió las percepciones de los participantes en dos etapas sucesivas. Primero, con un cuestionario se evaluó la calidad de atención y experiencia de los usuarios; luego, mediante entrevistas grupales e individuales se estimó el nivel de satisfacción. Resultados. El 68,2 % de los jóvenes y adolescentes desconocen los programas exclusivos para ellos. El servicio más utilizado es el de medicina general (76,6 %). En cuanto a la atención recibida, el respeto, la confianza y la privacidad brindada por los profesionales de salud fue calificada como excelente o muy buena (76 %). El 39,7 % reportó que el tiempo de espera fue de 30 a 60 minutos; el 17,6 % refirió esperar más de dos horas. Conclusión. Aunque la percepción de las unidades de salud por parte de los adolescentes y jóvenes en general es buena, los Servicios de Salud Amigables cuentan con barreras que interfieren en el acceso, oportunidad y aceptabilidad

Introduction. Friendly Health Services are spaces of comprehensive and differential care for adolescents and young people, which start from their biological, social and emotional. Objective. Evaluate the perceptions of youth about the quality of care they received and their experience in the Community Family Health Units. Methodology. A mixed study was carried out that collected the perceptions of the participants in two successive stages. First with a questionnaire that evaluated the quality of care and experience of users, then through group and individual interviews that estimated the level of satisfaction. Results. Youth consult health establishments, although 68.2 % are unaware of the exclusive programs for them (Friendly Health Services). The most used service was general medicine (76.6 %). Regarding the care received, the respect, trust and privacy provided by health professionals was rated as excellent or very good (76 %). 39.7 % reported that the waiting time was 30 to 60 minutes, 17.6 % reported waiting more than two hours. Conclusion. Currently, there is a need to improve access to services for adolescents and young people by socializing the offer to encourage their use, increase attention in preventive areas and implement their evaluation with methods different from current ones

Humanos , Adolescente , Adolescente , Salud del Adolescente , El Salvador
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 22-35, 20240131.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537627


O acesso à saúde e às políticas públicas em áreas remotas é um desafio relevante aos sistemas públicos no Brasil, dada sua dimensão e diversidade territorial. Este artigo tem como proposta apresentar o modelo teórico-lógico elaborado para avaliar o acesso da população ribeirinha à rede de urgência e emergência (RUE) em cenário amazônico, com vistas a fortalecer o planejamento, o monitoramento e a avaliação em saúde voltados para populações específicas. O ponto de partida metodológico foi a revisão temática sobre o acesso à saúde e o contexto amazônico na sua inter-relação com a proposta da pesquisa, que foi problematizada em encontros com colaboradores. Em seguida, buscou-se compreender e analisar os componentes teórico e lógico do modelo e adaptá-los à tríade donabediana ­ estrutura, processo e resultado. O resultado configurou a construção do modelo propriamente dito, com centralidade nas características que representam a oferta dos serviços (sócio-organizacional) e que retratam principalmente o espaço (geográfico). Esses pontos de construção do modelo demonstram sua contribuição para subsidiar outros processos avaliativos e o impacto final na tomada de decisão para qualificar o acesso da população ribeirinha à saúde em momento de sofrimento agudo, auxiliando na superação das condições que segregam essas populações.

Access to health and public policies in remote areas is a major challenge for public systems in Brazil, given its dimension and territorial diversity. This article presents a theoretical-logical model designed to assess the ribeirinho population's access to the urgency and emergency network in the Amazon as to strengthen health planning, monitoring, and evaluation aimed at specific populations. Starting from a thematic review on access to health and the Amazon in its interrelation with the research proposal, which were problematized in meetings with collaborators, the research sought to understand and analyze the model's theoretical and logical components and adapt them to the Donabedian triad (structure, process and result). This resulted in the model itself, centered on service provision (socio-organizational) and the space (geographic). These points demonstrate its contribution to support other evaluation processes and the final impact on decision-making to qualify this population's access to health under acute suffering, helping to overcome current restrictive conditions.

El acceso a la salud y a las políticas públicas en áreas remotas es un desafío relevante para el sistema público en Brasil dada su dimensión y diversidad territorial. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un modelo teórico-lógico desarrollado para validar el acceso de la población ribereña a la red de urgencia y emergencia en el escenario amazónico, para fortalecer la planificación, la vigilancia y la evaluación de los resultados de salud de poblaciones específicas. El punto de partida metodológico fue la revisión temática sobre el acceso a la salud en el contexto amazónico, en especial su interrelación con la propuesta de investigación, que fue problematizada en reuniones con colaboradores. Después, se buscó comprender y analizar los componentes teórico y lógico del modelo y adaptarlos a la tríada donabediana ­estructura, proceso y resultado. El resultado configuró la construcción del modelo propiamente dicho, con foco en las características que representan la prestación de los servicios (social-organizacional) y que retratan principalmente el espacio (geográfico). Estos puntos de construcción del modelo destacan su contribución para subsidiar otros procesos evaluativos y el impacto final en la toma de decisiones para calificar el acceso de la población ribereña a la salud en un momento de sufrimiento agudo, ayudando a superar las condiciones que segregan a estas poblaciones.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 66-80, 20240131.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537653


As ações e serviços de saúde brasileiros organizam-se seguindo a lógica das Redes de Atenção à Saúde (RAS). Considerando as necessidades específicas dos indivíduos em sofrimento psíquico e/ou abuso de substâncias psicoativas, estabeleceu-se uma rede temática de cuidados em saúde mental: Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (Raps). Para refletir e dialogar sobre atenção à saúde em rede, consideramos que ela se constrói em território mediante a circulação e interação de gestores, trabalhadores e usuários. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa objetivou identificar as parcerias intersetoriais diretamente relacionadas ao cuidado psicossocial, refletindo sobre suas contribuições para a continuidade da atenção à saúde mental em território no cenário estudado. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo, com abordagem qualitativa e enfoque exploratório-descritivo, na cidade de Natal-RN, em serviços aleatoriamente selecionados, buscando contemplar os diversos componentes da Raps. A coleta dos dados aconteceu no período de maio a outubro de 2017, a partir da realização de sessões de grupo focal e observação descritiva de serviços e estratégias que compõem a Raps Natal/RN. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa sob CAAE nº 65226817.5.0000.5292 e parecer 1.997.883. O estudo revelou os serviços da assistência social, serviços socioeducativos para crianças e adolescentes que cometem atos infracionais, igrejas e organizações não governamentais como as principais parcerias intersetoriais na rede. Evidencia-se a necessidade de fomentar um 'agir intersetorial' que transite pelos micro e macro espaços das políticas de saúde, assistência e seguridade social para a articulação das RAS e concretização da Raps em território.

Actions and services provided by the Brazilian healthcare system are organized following the Health Care Networks (HCN) model. Considering the specific needs of individuals undergoing psychological distress and/or substance abuse, a thematic network for mental health care was established: the Psychosocial Care Network (PCN). To reflect on and discuss networked healthcare, we consider that networks are built within a territory by circulation and interaction of managers, workers, and users. As such, this research identified intersectoral partnerships directly related to psychosocial care, pointing out their contributions to the continuity of mental health care in the studied territory. A descriptive exploratory field study was conducted in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, with randomly selected services to encompass the various PCN components. Data was collected from May to October 2017 by means of focus group sessions and descriptive observation of services and strategies provided by the RAPS. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under CAAE 65226817.5.0000.5292 and approval number 1.997.883. Results identified social assistance services, socio-educational services for children and adolescents who commit infractions, churches, and non-governmental organizations as the main intersectoral partnerships in the network. This highlights the need to foster an 'intersectoral action' that moves through the micro and macro spaces of health, assistance, and social security policies to articulate Health Care Networks and implement the Psychosocial Care Network in the territory.

Las acciones y servicios de salud en Brasil se organizan desde la lógica de las Redes de Atención a la Salud (RAS). Teniendo en cuenta las necesidades específicas de las personas en sufrimiento psíquico y/o abuso de sustancias psicoactivas, se estableció la red temática de atención en salud mental: la Red de Atención Psicosocial (RAPS). Para reflexionar y dialogar sobre la atención de salud en red, consideramos que la red se construye en el territorio mediante la circulación e interacción de gestores, trabajadores y usuarios. Así, la investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar las alianzas intersectoriales directamente relacionadas con la atención psicosocial, reflexionando sobre sus contribuciones para la continuidad de la atención en salud mental en el territorio estudiado. Para ello, se realizó una investigación de campo con enfoque cualitativo y exploratorio-descriptivo en la ciudad de Natal (Rio Grande do Norte ­RN­, Brasil), en servicios seleccionados de manera aleatoria, buscando abarcar los diversos componentes de la RAPS. La recolección de datos tuvo lugar de mayo a octubre de 2017, mediante sesiones de grupo focal y observación descriptiva de servicios y estrategias que componen la RAPS Natal/RN. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética en Investigación bajo el número CAAE 65226817.5.0000.5292 y el dictamen 1.997.883. Los resultados indican que los servicios de asistencia social, los servicios socioeducativos para niños y adolescentes que cometen actos infraccionales, iglesias y organizaciones no gubernamentales son las principales alianzas intersectoriales en la red. Es necesario fomentar una "acción intersectorial" que atraviese los espacios micro y macro de las políticas de salud, asistencia y seguridad social para la articulación de las RAS y la concreción de la RAPS en el territorio.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 141-156, 20240131.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537730


This study aimed to identify and determine the level of factors associated with the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of oral health professionals working in Primary Health Care (PHC) in Brazil. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 96 dentists and 65 dental assistants working in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in six municipalities in the metropolitan area of Salvador (BA), Brazil. The HRQoL was evaluated using the 36-item Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36). Higher mean scores in the SF-36 physical component summary were associated with younger age, post-graduate education in public health, and frequent leisure time. The mental component summary was associated with frequent leisure time, > 40 weekly working hours, suitable dental offices, satisfaction with colleagues, and satisfaction with working in PHC. The HRQoL level of oral health professionals working in primary health care in PHC in Brazil was comparable to those found in the available literature and associated with several modifiable factors. Incidentally, a literature search found few studies using the SF-36 to assess the HRQoL of oral health workers, and those found were produced outside the main scientific centers.

O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e determinar o nível de fatores associados à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) de profissionais de saúde bucal que atuam na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal com 96 cirurgiões-dentistas e 65 auxiliares em saúde bucal que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em seis municípios da região metropolitana de Salvador (BA), Brasil. A QVRS foi avaliada usando o 36-item Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36). Escores médios mais altos no resumo do componente físico do SF-36 foram associadas a idade mais jovem, pós-graduação em saúde pública e tempo de lazer frequente. O resumo do componente mental foi associado a tempo de lazer frequente, > 40 horas semanais de trabalho, consultórios odontológicos adequados, satisfação com os colegas e satisfação em trabalhar na APS. O nível de QVRS dos profissionais de saúde bucal que atuam na APS no Brasil foi comparável aos encontrados na literatura disponível e associado a vários fatores modificáveis. Incidentalmente, uma pesquisa bibliográfica encontrou poucos estudos que utilizam o SF-36 para avaliar a QVRS de trabalhadores da saúde bucal; e os encontrados foram produzidos fora dos principais centros científicos.

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y determinar el nivel de los factores asociados a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) de los profesionales de salud bucal que actúan en la Atención Primaria de Salud en Brasil. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 96 cirujano dentista y 65 auxiliares de salud bucal que actúan en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en seis municipios de la región metropolitana de Salvador, Brasil. La CVRS se evaluó mediante el 36-item Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36). Las puntuaciones medias más altas en el resumen del componente físico del SF-36 se asociaron con una edad más joven, títulos de posgrado en salud pública y tiempo libre frecuente. El resumen del componente mental se asoció con tiempo libre frecuente, > 40 horas de trabajo por semana, consultorios dentales adecuados, satisfacción con los colegas y satisfacción con el trabajo en la Atención Primaria de Salud. El nivel de CVRS de los profesionales de la salud bucal que actúan en la Atención Primaria de Salud en Brasil fue comparable a los encontrados en la literatura disponible y se asoció a varios factores modificables. Una búsqueda bibliográfica encontró pocos estudios que utilizan el SF-36 para evaluar la CVRS de los trabajadores de la salud bucal; y los encontrados estaban fuera de los principales centros científicos.
